What Is The Average Life Of A Hybrid Battery?

The popularity of hybrid vehicles has increased as more individuals are becoming environmentally conscious. They emit less CO2 and are more efficient. A hybrid vehicle operates via two sources of power; an internal combustion engine that uses petrol or diesel and an electric motor that utilizes energy from a battery.

A vehicle of this kind is not charged by a plug-in but through regenerative braking and the internal combustion engine, which recharges the battery as you drive. 

Whilst there are many benefits associated with a hybrid vehicle, there are concerns regarding the longevity of the battery life. So, if you invest in one of these vehicles, how long, on average, should you expect the battery to last? We have provided you with the answers in our guide below. 

Often, it is thought that hybrid batteries have a short lifespan, but this is not the case. Most manufacturers claim that the batteries in their vehicles will last for between 8 to 10 years, seeing you through approximately 100,000 miles of use.

There are some instances where correctly maintained batteries, which have been given the necessary repairs, have delivered around 150,000 miles of use. The Toyota Prius’ battery lifespan has achieved this. Although other manufacturers have only recently introduced their hybrid models to the market, they will likely still be covered by a warranty.

Should you encounter any issues with the vehicle or the quality of the battery, you can consult the manufacturer. The length of most policies tends to be around 8 years, but it can differ.

Likely, you will only need to replace the battery once during your vehicle’s service life. The need for more regular repairs is relatively unheard of. 

What factors are going to affect the longevity of a hybrid battery?

Several factors are going to affect the lifespan of your hybrid battery. They are as follows:


Well-conducted maintenance is going to be hugely influential on the longevity and performance of your vehicle’s battery. Typically, a manufacturer will specify that the battery needs to undergo testing within certain time frames to confirm that it is working correctly

As we have mentioned, a hybrid vehicle is powered by an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. Therefore the efficiency and performance of one of these components can directly affect the other. During the tests, if any weak batteries are discovered, they can recondition them. Doing so will ensure that it lasts longer.

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Charging Schedule

Another important factor is the charging schedule. To prolong the battery’s efficiency, you must ensure that you adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Avoid giving your vehicle a quick charge before you embark on a journey, and also ensure that you do not run it until it is practically low.

Instead, it would be best if you allowed sufficient time to fully charge the battery before setting off on any journey, regardless of whether you will embark on a short or long trip. 

Frequency of use

If you often use your hybrid vehicle for long journeys, the battery may begin to wear and deteriorate sooner than you may expect. However, if it is only used when you need to complete a short journey, it may last for as many as 10 years or longer. 

Changes In Temperature

Finally, you must be aware of any temperature changes. This is because any fluctuations can have a damaging effect on the battery. There is a certain temperature range that hybrid batteries are designed to operate within.

Using your vehicle in extremely hot or cold temperatures will force the battery to work harder. This is going to affect its efficiency. A cooling fan accompanies most hybrid batteries to stop them from overheating.

If your battery has one of these fans, you should check it regularly as part of your maintenance routine, and you should also make sure that it is cleaned.

What are the signs that your hybrid battery needs replacing?

Few signs will indicate that your battery needs replacing. Making yourself aware of the symptoms of a dying battery will ensure that you are properly prepared. Purchasing and installing a new battery can be a rather costly expense, so you don’t want to do it earlier than is necessary. 

First and foremost, you may notice that the efficiency of the battery decreases and you are visiting the petrol station more than you were previously. This may be because the battery is no longer performing optimally and is failing to take over from the engine as it should.

There are two reasons why this may be a problem. First, either the battery is not fully charged, or it is, but it is struggling to retain this charge and is therefore draining much sooner.

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You may notice changes in how your car performs. For example, it may seem slower and more sluggish than normal. It may also produce more noise than usual. If the fan is constantly operating, the battery may be overheating. This can be bad for both components. To prevent this issue from escalating, you should prioritize getting it seen too as soon as possible

Another symptom can be identified in visible fluctuations concerning the battery life and also the battery. If it is depleting shortly after it has been charged, you will not be able to drive far in your vehicle. This is a sign that it needs to be replaced. Also, if you notice visible fluctuations regarding the electrical components, it is recommended that you get the battery checked out as a precaution. 

Final Thoughts

As you can see, a hybrid battery has a long lifespan, and because of this, it is improbable that you will need to replace it more than once for the duration of time that you own the vehicle.

We have noted several factors that can affect the longevity of the battery. We have also listed the signs to look out for that will indicate when the battery needs to be replaced. To recap, they are below:

  1. Maintenance – batteries need to undergo testing within specific time frames.
  2. Charging schedule – allow sufficient time to charge the battery before fully setting off on any journey.
  3. Use frequency – long journeys/frequent use may cause wear and deteriorate sooner than you may expect
  4. Temperature changes – Using your vehicle in extremely hot or cold temperatures will force the battery to work harder.